Some images used on ‘GlamUp Gallery’ and its associated Social Channels have been picked up from the internet or sourced from ShutterStock and Freepik under their free or premium licenses. We are not using any of those images for commercial purposes. Also, our intention is not to hurt anyone’s sentiments or barge someone’s privacy. If you are the legal owner of any of those images and have issues with their use at GlamUp Gallery, Beauty Beyond Boundaries do, let us know via dropping a mail at and We would remove those images in no time.

The information mentioned at GlamUp Gallery is for educational purposes only and is not advised to use as a substitute for medical treatment. The readers should consult their physician to determine the aptness of the information based on their specific needs. 

We have considered all the measures to make sure that the information we provide in the articles posted at GlamUp Gallery and its Social Media Platforms is accurate and trusted. However, we suggest you consult your health care advisor, cosmetologist, or beauty expert before making a change in your lifestyle habits, exercise regime, trying a home remedy, or taking any significant step.
