Skin tags, which are medically known as acrochordons are small benign, loose, hanging skin that usually appears on the necks and armpits. The core of these skin tags removal treatment is mainly formulated by nerve cells, fires, and fat cells. They are usually flesh-colored or a little darker in color and often have a smooth texture.
Are you aware that these skin tags are harmless tumors of your skin? Yes, you read it right. It is a kind of skin tumor but completely harmless. However, they look unpleasant and often leave people with some bad experiences. But worry not. A proper understanding of the skin tag types and treatments will help you manage them effectively.
Different Types of Skin Tags
Though all skin tags have the same type of characteristics, they can have slightly different appearance and size. Skin tags are usually different from moles and warts. Let’s discuss the main types of skin tags: –
1) Pedunculated Skin Tags
It is one of the most common types of skin tags. It can be characterized by narrow stalks that attach them to the skin’s surface. These types of skin tags usually appear where skin rubs against skin or clothes such as groin, armpits, under the breast, etc. They typically appear as flesh-colored having a size of a few millimeters to a few centimeters.
2) Sessile Skin Tags
These skin tags are a little bit different from the Pedunculated skin tags. They usually have a broader base and attach flat to the skin. These are not common like Pedunculated skin tags but grow in the same types of areas.
3) Fibroepithelial Polyps
This is one of the rarest skin tags, which also occurs in the same places. These skin tags are a little bit big in nature. But don’t worry, these are also harmless. Over time it may develop a rougher texture on the skin.
4) Filiform Skin Tags
These types of skin tags can be characterized by their distinctive, thread-like appearance. They are often found on the face, especially around the eyelids.
5) Multiple Clustered Skin Tags
Multiple Clustered skin tags are generally small and soft in nature. They typically appear in groups rather than individually. These clusters are more visible than any other skin tags. They often grow due to genetic reasons or for any health conditions like diabetes.

What are the Actual Causes of These Skin Tags?
Skin tags are developed in various parts of the body like the armpit, eyelid, neck, under the breast, groin, etc. As it knows it typically occurs due to friction, when the skin rubs against itself or against the cloth. Though the exact cause of the skin tags is not clearly known, here are some of the possible reasons and factors that may be the cause of these skin tags: –
Friction: – The body areas that usually experience more skin friction such as the neck, armpit, and many more skin folds are more susceptible to developing skin tags.
Genetics: – A family history can also be the reason for skin tags. So, no need to worry about it as it is completely harmless.
Skin tag during pregnancy: – Skin tags can also be grown due to hormonal fluctuations, at the time of pregnancy. But there is no need to worry about it as it will not harm you or your child in any way.
Age: – Skin tags are usually grown after 30, in middle or older age. With the growing age and rough skin, these skin tags may grow in the older age of your life.
Obesity: – Another reason for skin tag is being overweight. An increased body weight or obesity can be the reason for skin tags.
Now that you know the most common reasons for skin tags, let’s know what the possible treatment options are available to get rid of them.
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What are the Treatment Options for These Skin Tags?
Though these skin tags are harmless and do not need any medical attention, many individuals want to remove them for cosmetic reasons. Here are some of the treatment options for these skin tags: –
It is among the most favored skin tag removal treatments, where the doctor uses liquid nitrogen to freeze the skin tags. It supports the fall off of grown skin within a few days.

If you are looking for an immediate result, then this treatment is for you. In this process, the dermatologist will cut off the skin tag on the face and neck, with a scalpel. But don’t worry, this will not be painful.
If you don’t want to use a scalpel or any surgical scissors, then this process might help you. In this process, a small thread or suture will be attached by the professional, and over time it will automatically fall off.
In this process the skin tags will be burnt. A heated electric current will be used to burn off the extra skin. Unlike the excision process, this method has less bleeding.
Over-the-Counter Products
There are some creams, ointments, and kits available for at-home skin tag removal. These products usually contain ingredients that help to dry or freeze the skin tags. However, the effectiveness of these skin tag removal creams may vary according to the company.