Top 12 Winter Hair Care Tips – Tried & Trusted!

Winter is, here again, to take its toll on your hair and skin. The crisp air is going to make your hair rough, dry, flaky, dandruff and breakage-prone. It is the time when many of us worry about how to take care of hair in winter and look for the tried and trusted winter hair care tips. The chilly temperature can wreak havoc on all hair types. Therefore, to protect your hair from the mar of cold months, you should follow the best hair care routine for winters. Worry not! I’m here to help you level up your hair game this chilly season.

Here, I have listed the top 12 winter hair care tips to keep your locks happy and healthy. Take a peek!

1. Cover Your Hair:

Cover your hair in winter, winter hair care, wear hat in winter, hair care, wear scarf in winter
Hair maintenance tips

Your mane gets stressed when exposed to the chilly temperature, snow, rain and dry winds. Therefore, to protect your hair from the havoc of cold months, you need to keep it covered. This is one of the best tips for healthy hair. You can use a hat or scarf to shield your hair from the hair harming elements. Woollen and cotton fabrics can make your hair more prone to breakage, so line your hat with silk or satin materials to prevent breakage. Also, you can use dry oils to moisturize your mane and fight static electricity under your hat.

2. Trim Your Tresses:

Hair cutting, hair trimmin g, trim your hair, winter hair care
Hair care routine for women

The moisture-robbing dry wind in winter causes split ends and hair breakage. Scarves and hat rubs give additional strain to manes. Hence, trimming once a month is a great way to keep your locks look healthy and shiny.

3. Shower With Lukewarm Water:

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Daily hair care routine

When the temperature goes down, a steamy shower looks tempting. But do you know, a hot shower can steal mane moisture, causing breakage-prone and brittle hair. Also, hot water can cause flakiness and dry scalp. So, prefer lukewarm water to wash your hair and follow a cool rinse to seal the cuticles.

4. Have A Humidifier:

winter hair care tips, humidifier, room humidifier, humidifier for hair
Natural hair care routine

When the temperature is below freezing, a room heater seems to be a life saviour. But even though a room heater provides in the chilly months, it also turns your room air dry and zaps hair moisturizer. What to do now? A humidifier can be a rescue here. Very few of us know this little secret that Humidifiers help hair fight dry air in the winter. It helps rehydrate the air inside your room and turn your tresses look lustrous again.

5. Say No To Heat Styling:

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Hair care routine for men

Your hair is already prone to breakage in winter, and heat styling can intensify the issue. So, refrain from heat styling tools during cold months and embrace your natural hair texture. Avoid curling, pumping and straightening. Instead, explore new hairstyles like braids, buns and twists. Instead of using hair dryers, let your hair dry naturally. Blow drying is a big no during the chilly season.

6. Don’t Walk Out With Wet Hair:

hair care, don't step out with wet hair, winter hair care idea, healthy hair, beautiful hair
Weekly hair care routine

Before you step out, make sure to dry your hair. Wet hair is more prone to damage and breakage than dry hair. While air drying is best when in hurry, blow drying can be better rather than stepping out with saturated tresses. The best winter hair care advice is to modify your hair care routine in winter and give your hair a little extra time to dry naturally before walking out.

7. Oiling Is The Prime Point Of Winter Hair Care Tips:

Hair oil, hair mask, hair care, winter hair care tips, hair oiling, head massage, hair care in winter
Hair care tips home remedies

No one is unaware of the winter hair problems like scalp itchiness, dry hair, dandruff, flakiness, hair fall etc. The chilly weather wreaks havoc on hair. Don’t worry! You can stir away from these hair problems with an oil-based hair treatment. A hot oil massage enriched with the goodness of olive, coconut or argan can work wonders in restoring the moisture of your dry and damaged hair. These oils nourish the hair follicles, penetrate the hair shaft, replenish moisture, revitalize dry hair and stimulate hair growth.

8. Level Up Your Winter Hair Care With Conditioners:

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Hair care tips for long hair

Moisturizing is the second name of the winter hair care game. Never skip the conditioner during the cold weather. Cold winter winds, indoor heating and heat styling tools can zap moisture from hair, restore it with a leave-in conditioner once a week. Go for a creamy conditioner enriched with the properties of natural oils like jojoba, coconut, olive and shea butter for nourishment and deep hydration.

9. Hydrate The Hair With Hair Mask:

Hair oil, hair mask, hair care, winter hair care tips, hair oiling, head massage, hair care in winter, protect hair with hair mask, how to apply hair mask
Hair care routine for hair fall

As face masks are essential for glowing skin, hair masks are imperative to ensure good hair health. Hair masks are filled with loads of benefits. It moisturizes dry locks, hydrates dry hair, enhances hair growth, softens manes and adds shine to dull and damaged hair. Use a hair mask with nourishing ingredients like honey, egg etc. once a week to ensure healthy hair.

10. Don’t Wash Your Hair Frequently:

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Daily hair care routinfe for hair growth

If you’re one of the many girls and guys who wash their hair very frequently, winter is the time to switch things up. Over-washing your hair can strip off its natural oils, causing itchiness, dryness, irritation and flakiness. So, try extending the intervals between your hair washes. For instance, if you wash your hair thrice a week, make it twice or less a week. Make sure to use a mild and sulfate-free shampoo to balance the natural hair moisture. Another way to bring back life to lacklustre hair is to use dry shampoo.

11. Take A Balanced Diet:

take a balanced diet, balanced diet for healthy hair, hair care in winter, take care of your diet for hair care in winter, winter hair care tips
Natural hair care tips

Healthy eating is essential to ensure overall hair health. Foods rich in proteins and vitamins are good to protect your hair from the mar of brutal winter weather. Therefore, try taking a balanced diet containing berries, omega-3 fatty acids, carrots, eggs, pumpkins, green leafy vegetables, dairy products, eggs and meat.

12. Drink Plenty Of Water:

drink water for glowing skin and healthy hair, drink plenty of water, drink water for healthy hair, hair care in winter, winter hair care tips, dri
Healthy hair care tips

Drink as much water as possible. It will help restore the lost hair moisture. Drinking lots of water is essential to keep your hair healthy and hydrated.

Winter hair care tips, hair care, how to keep hair hydrated in winter
Hair Care tips at Home

These winter hair care tips help replenish, revitalize and add shine to your dry and damaged hair. These tips are easy to follow, and with a little extra effort, you can stay protected from the hair woes you face during the chilly months. Try out these hair care tips today. Your hair will thank you.

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Which hair care products or hair oil is best to use in winter?
You can use coconut, jojoba, jaborandi, almond, olive or rosemary oil to massage your hair. These oils will help add shine to your lifeless hair, replenish the natural nutrients in your and leave your tresses to look lustrous.
What is the right way to apply a hair conditioner?
Wash your hair with a mild and sulphate free shampoo.
Start applying the conditioner from the mid-length and gently go to the hair ends.
Pay extra attention to hair tips to prevent split ends.
Leave on the conditioner for a while.
Now, wash thoroughly with normal water to seal the moisture.
Use a microfiber towel to dry your hair.
What are the best home remedies for hair care in winter?
Hot oil massage is the primary hair care tip for winters. Also, you should consider applying an aloe vera hair mask, egg & yoghurt hair mask, banana & egg hair mask, fenugreek and mustard oil hair mask, onion juice and honey hair mask or milk and honey hair mask once a week.