Kindness is one of the most magical things in the universe. It brings strangers together. It makes mindsets a whole lot better. Because of it, the whole world becomes brighter. When people show kindness, peace springs up, hope happens, and gladness comes in. Indeed, there’s so much beauty in kindness. And what makes it even more beautiful is you can give it to yourself too. Yes, showing yoirself some love and kindness is one of tge best self care ideas you can follow.
Some people tend to forget this, or some are not aware that it’s a need. Kindness to self is a great and priceless gift you can receive from yourself. It’s heartwarming to receive it from others, but it’s life-changing to receive it from none but yourself. Others undermine the value of it, but sometimes, it’s the thing missing in one’s life, making it a bit exhausting to see life brightly lit.
Here are 8 self care ideas to be kind to yourself, anytime, anywhere. Love and care for yourself more. with these self care tips.
1 – Compliment and appreciate yourself.
Do not seek validation from other people, about how you look, or how you move. While it’s very important to listen to others’ helpful opinions and pieces of advice, do not consider it as your sole basis for living. Just because some people do not recognize and acknowledge you and your efforts does not mean you are not dear and significant. Do not depend on others to cheer for you.
Compliment and appreciate yourself. In your wins, no matter how big or small, congratulate yourself, and be proud of your achievements. Give yourself two thumbs up for reaching goals and succeeding through hardships.
Furthermore, it doesn’t always have to be a victory for you to be proud of yourself. Even in times of failures, which are not always complete failures, you should appreciate yourself for working hard and doing your best. More than anyone else, you are the one who knows your greatest sacrifices and efforts. You are the one to compliment yourself the loudest!
Be your biggest fan!
2 – Do not take loads that are too much for you to handle.
You are pretty familiar with the rule in buffet wherein guests are encouraged to get the amount of food that they can actually finish. That is to not waste food, and of course, to avoid giving themselves a hard time gobbling up their dishes. Being kind to yourself is like this too.
If possible, if you have a choice, do not take loads (of work or responsibilities) that are too much for you to handle. Are there terrible time constraints? Are your skills not the most dependable for the job? Is it too tiring for you who has some physical limitations? If your answer to all of these is ‘Yes’, and if you have a chance, then, choose to be kind to yourself, and choose to say ‘no’ to taking accountability over them.
When you do the opposite, sometimes the reason is overconfidence. Sometimes, it’s shyness. You are too confident about your abilities regardless of the constraints, or you are too shy to refuse. When they are very difficult for you, you will suffer and get very stressed. When things don’t work out, then a lot of unfavorable outcomes and emotions will arise. The best thing to do is to know your capacity, and determine what you can only manage, given all the external factors that are important.
3 – Treat yourself from time to time.
Gifts make anyone happy and excited. Did you know that they don’t always have to come from other people? Yes, you can also give yourself your own present. Treat yourself from time to time. It could be a reward for succeeding on something, or an appreciation for doing well regardless of the results. You can also use this as a motivation whenever you don’t have the energy and will to move and work on what you should be accomplishing. This is one of the ebst self care gifts you can give to yourself.
4 – Spend time with people that bring you joy.
Kindness to self can also come in the form of staying away from toxic people. You are doing yourself a favor when you avoid the negative environment of negative people.
Instead, spend time with people that bring you joy and that bring out the best in you. Be with loved ones who make you feel loved. Be with friends who encourage you to be a better version of yourself, that inspire you, and that let you see the beauty of life in the middle of a chaotic world. Lessen or eliminate time with people who bring you down and make you doubt yourself.
5 – Do not beat yourself up for things you cannot or fail to do.
Sometimes, you set too high expectations for yourself, that when you don’t meet them, you blame yourself and think poorly of yourself. When this happens, your self-esteem is affected, and you look lowly on yourself, when you should not.
Know and understand your limits and weaknesses as you cheer yourself on for your capabilities and strengths. If you really want to achieve something that’s beyond what you know and can do, then do something, work hard for it. While you’re not yet at your best in it, be patient towards yourself. Do not beat yourself up for things you cannot do or fail to do.
6 – Seek help when needed.
Pride is not always a good thing, especially when you cannot do something on your own. It disables you to see what others say and can do to help you. You are no superhero. No man is an island. You need help sometimes too.
Seek help when needed! Do not let yourself suffer just because your pride keeps you from asking for assistance from others. Sometimes, you are having a hard time because you ignore the fact that you cannot do everything on your own.
If you are seeking for the self care ideas, ditch your pride and stop assuming yourself as a superhero who can please everyone at a time.
7 – Learn to say ‘NO’ sometimes.
There are things you should go for and things you should forgo. For the latter, it’s important that you learn to also say ‘no’ sometimes. For things you cannot and do not want to do, you can say ‘no’. For ideas you do not agree with, you don’t need to compromise your values for them. Be kind to yourself by being true to others and true to yourself. Believe me, it is one of the best self care ideas anyone can give you.
8 – Work on improving yourself for yourself.
It helps a lot to listen to other people’s opinions if they are those who are genuinely concerned about you. There are things you don’t see and others do, so sometimes, they help big time. But of course, be careful as you listen to them because not all of them are good for you. Sometimes, they share unhealthy opinions that are based on their own judgemental ideas.
Yes, there are things that you need to improve on, but don’t let them degrade you. If you realize that there are things on which you really need to enhance, then do it for yourself. Grab those exercise equipment for yourself. Wear that dress for yourself. Take that college course for yourself. Work on improving yourself for yourself. Don’t mind the pressure out there.
So, now onwards, no more asking, What is self care? How to find true love? Instead, follow these best self care ideas. Do it for yourself, and you will be happier and more satisfied as you see the outcomes later on.
Be kind to yourself. You only have one you. Give yourself some self care gifts time to time.
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Post Credit: Nicole Ann Pore, Australia.
Nicole Ann Pore is a writer, an events host and a voice over artist. She also writes for Fitbiz Exercise Equipment, an excellent source of the ultimate fitness equipment collections in Australia. Nicole graduated Cum Laude from De La Salle University Manila, Philippines with a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication Arts.