Summer Skin Care Routine – A Complete Guide

Our skin is one of the most prized possession we have. That’s why; we make every possible effort to keep it safe and shiny. But as the blistering heat rolls around, our skin tends to face some undesirable changes. With scorching sun and excessive heat all day, our skin screams for an extra layer of protection. For staying safe from those maddening skin rashes and sunburns to the annoying tan and acne, we need to follow a specific summer skin care routine.

Skin Care Routine in Summer

With summer at its peak, many of us have stocked our beauty aisle with skin supplements and summer skin care products, which is good. But, to enjoy getting a healthy glowing skin, you had better follow some summer skin care tips, too.

Summer skin care
skin regimen in summer

Feeling excited to keep those unwanted skin issues at bye and up your skin care game this summer? Let’s follow a proper summer skin care routine steps.

Also Read: 7 Steps of Korean Skin Care & Korean Beauty Trend To Follow

1. Cleanse your face

Summer is a little harder on oily skin. In summer, oily skin gets more oily and gives birth to acne, itching, rashes, blackheads, and skin breakouts. Therefore, skin care for oily skin in summer requires more attention than dry skin.

  • Summer skin care routine for oily skin: People with oily skin need to wash their face very frequently, at least twice a day. They need a summer-specific face wash formulated for oily skin to wash away excess oil and deep cleaning.
  • Summer skin care routine for dry skin: Skin care for dry skin in summer does not ask you to do much. Washing the face with a non-foaming cleanser can be a wiser choice for people with dry skin.

2. Use a refreshing toner

Summer is known to cause sweat and excessive oil on the skin, which can clog pores. Use a facial toner to refresh skin and close open pores. Benefits of using facial toner includes hydrating, exfoliating and removing excess oil from the skin. You can use cucumber, aloe vera, or Vitamin C toner as they are good for skin care in summer.

You might like reading: Uses and Benefits of Aloe Vera for Skin, Hair, and Health

3. Don’t ditch moisturizer

Honestly, summer air is not as dry as winter air, but still, summer can dry out your skin. That’s why; no beauty blogger suggests you ditch your moisturizer during warmer months. Use a lightweight moisturizer in summer with antioxidant ingredients like vitamins C. It would be worth beneficial if you find one with SPF 30 or more. Applying sunscreen and moisturizer separately in summer can be a little too much.

Related Article: Top 10 Moisturizers for Face for Glowing Skin


If you can’t follow a proper summer skin care routine, wear sunscreen. If you miss wearing SPF, your skin will age faster, and you will have a higher risk of experiencing skin cancer. Irrespective of the weather, skin experts highly suggest wearing sunscreen daily and reapplying every 2 hours. Don’t forget SPF protection for your lip care, too!

5. Exfoliation is essential

Wearing sunscreen is vital, but it can clog pores. Therefore, you need to exfoliate your skin to unclog pores and reduce skin breakouts.

Keep in mind:

  • Don’t exfoliate if you have skin issues like acne, rashes, or sunburns.
  • Don’t over-exfoliate. Limit it to once or twice a week.

6. Add vitamin C serum to your summer skin care routine

Vitamin C serum is a good skin care product all year round, but its importance turns higher in summer. It is a powerful antioxidant that helps skin delay aging signs, prevent hyperpigmentation, remove fine lines, promote collagen production and protect skin from oxidant-induced damages.

7. Limit using makeup products

In summer, applying several layers of makeup products feels like an extra burden on the skin. Also, when we sweat, no beauty products or setting spray can prevent makeup from coming off. So, opt for going minimalist skincare and lighter on makeup during warmer weather. Let your skin breathe. Your skin will love the break!

Related Article: How To Apply Makeup – A Step By Step Guide

8. Prefer self-tanning

People in the US, UK, Ireland and other parts of the world love a bronzed glow look. Thus, they often skip wearing sunscreen and take sunbath with a desire to get sun-kissed skin. Remember, even if it is a natural tan, it is not a healthy tan. It is technically sun damage that can cause sunburns and skin cancer. So, if you want to get sun-kissed skin or bronzed glow, use a self-tanner.

9. Eat healthy food:

Take healthy foods. Add seasonal fruits and vegetables like lettuce, cucumber, musk melon, watermelon, juices, etc. to your daily diet. It will help keep your skin cool from within. You can also consider adding buttermilk and yogurt to your diet.

Healthy diet
Healthy Food

10. Drink smart

Say ‘No’ to sugary drinks. They contain excess sugar that makes you sluggish and contributes to weight gain. You can try drinking fresh juices, coconut water, and lemon water for instant hydration. It will also help reduce your belly fat and solve various skin care and hair care problems.

11. Stay hydrated

Hydration is essential in summer, and only moisturizers will not be enough to fulfill this requirement. You need to keep your skin hydrated from within. Thus, you should increase your daily water intake. Make sure to drink a minimum of 2-3 liters of water a day. The more you drink, the healthier you and your skin will be.

12. Wear breathable clothes

Browsing the beauty aisle is good when planning a summer skin care routine, but you need to revamp your clothing section too. In summer, wearing jeans and your favorite LBD doesn’t make you feel comfy. You need some breathable clothes and summer-friendly accessories like hats, goggles, etc.

Also Read: Essential Steps of Skin Care Routine For Men

Plan the best summer skin care routine as per your needs

Make the best skin care routine as per your unique needs and follow it unfailingly. We all may have different skincare needs depending on our skin type and the places we live.

For instance, people living in Colorado need not make more skin adjustments than people living in Houston, as the climate in Colorado is generally moderate. Likewise, summer skin care products for oily skin are different than summer skin care products for dry skin. Use water-based makeup products for oily skin and gel-based beauty products for dry skin.

Summer Skin Care Routine: Do’s And Don’ts



Wear sunscreen every day, with a minimum of SPF 30, and reapply it after every two hours when in the sun.Don’t spend too much time outside during peak hours (from 10 AM to 4 PM).
Use lightweight, oil-free moisturizers to keep your skin moisturized without feeling heavy.Don’t pick the sunburnt skin as it can cause scarring and lead to infection.
Exfoliate regularly to remove dead skin cells and keep your skin looking bright and refreshed.Don’t use products that contain alcohol or other harsh ingredients, as they can dry out your skin and cause irritation.
Drink plenty of water and eat food with high water intake to stay hydratedAvoid taking a long, hot shower as it may steal the natural oil of your skin and leave it feeling dry and dehydrated.
Wear protective clothing like wide-brimmed hats and long-sleeved shirts. Opt for lighter and UV absorber clothes to block the harmful sun rays.Say No to synthetic fabrics and figure-hugging clothes. Cotton is the most breathable fabric for the summer season.
Always wear your lip barriers like lip balm, lip tint, lipstick, etc., with SPF when in the sun.Never forget to protect your eyes using UV-400 sunglasses for eye protection.
Use a facial mist or a hydrating spray to refresh your skin throughout the day.Don’t use heavy or oil-based products that can clog your pores and cause breakouts.
Use cleanser, toner, and moisturizer twice a day to keep the skin clean, fresh, and hydrated.Don’t skip your night skincare routine even if you’re tired. This is when your skin repairs and regenerates.

Summer can be harsh to your skin, but you can ensure having healthy skin by giving good care to your skin it deserves.

Now that you know how to take care of your skin in summer, start practicing the basic skin care steps listed here. Your skin will thank you!

Like this summer skin care routine guide? Share it with your friends and family! Sharing is caring!

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What are some essential products for a summer skincare routine?
Some of the must have summer skincare routine products to keep your skin hydrated and prevent it from sjun damage are facial mist, sunscreen, and lightweight moisturizers.
How often should I apply sunscreen in the summer?
In the summer, you should apply sunscreen whenever you head out and reapply it after every 2 hours when in the sun Don’t miss using sunscreen even if it is not sunny outside.
What are some ingredients to look for in summer skincare products?
Some of the summer skin friendly ingredients to look for in summer skincare products include hyaluronic acid, antioxidants like vitamin C. these products help protect your skin from environmental damage.
How can I prevent breakouts in the summer?
Skin breakouts can be a common skin issue in the summer due to increased sweating and oil production. To prevent skin breakouts like acne, blackhaeds etc, use a gentle cleanser and avoid using heavy, oil-based products that can clog pores.
Can I use moisturizer in the summer?
Yes, moisturizer is a must have skin care product for all types of season including summer. It helps keep your skin hydrated without weighing it down. In summer or for oily skin, prefer using moisturizer labeled "oil-free" or "non-comedogenic" to avoid clogging your pores.
What should I do if I get sunburned?
If you get sunburned, treat your skin with caution to avoid further damage. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and apply aloe vera or a cooling lotion to soothe the skin. If you have severe sunburn, seek for medical help immediately.